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Thursday, September 14, 2023

 Oocyte quality…had a great story shared with me yesterday. One of my largest OPU clients said her harvest rate is significantly higher versus a year ago. This echoes overall repro numbers and embryo quality and count from other farms in the area. It appears the improvements have resulted from correcting a single micro mineral deficiency. I’ll definitely be adding this to my contribution of the next edition of Bovine Reproduction

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Effect of Light on MILK Production


How to use light exposure to improve milk production in cattleThe amount of light a cow is exposed to during a day is called the photoperiod, and it affects some of the hormones the cow produces: melatonin, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and prolactin.

By manipulating this to our advantage, we can encourage increased milk production in our cattle.

Melatonin and IGF-1 influence the cow’s metabolism and the production of milk components. Prolactin has a direct effect on the udder, telling it to produce more milk.

Production can be manipulated by providing either a long or a short photoperiod. Different length photoperiods can be useful at different stages of production.

Long photoperiod for milking cows

A long photoperiod has 16 hours of light and eight hours of dark. This has a positive impact in lactating animals by boosting milk yields.

To achieve this, a level of 162-215 lux is required for periods of light; this should be even across all areas the cow has access to in this period.



Sunday, August 27, 2023




5 Things Your Embryologist Wants You To Know About Your IVF Procedure

As couples navigate through their fertility journey, some arrive at the diagnosis of infertility and need to attempt pregnancy using in vitro fertilization (IVF). (See a step-by-step intro to IVF.) This generally starts with meeting with their physician and beginning the first steps of the process, including preparation, stimulation, and monitoring with their clinicians and nurses.

In the background is the functioning of the IVF laboratory, where what is actually occurring can be a bit of a mystery to most, especially early in the process.

The scientist who combines the sperm and egg and helps the resulting embryos to grow in a controlled environment is called an embryologist. Access to the laboratory or embryologists in most clinics is limited. It is often not until a failed attempt or cycle that a patient receives embryology observations, but the information is often communicated or presented by the clinician.

This is often because although embryology insights can be very diagnostic, they are best interpreted by a clinician as they are best educated to correlate those insights with specific patient demographics.

So even if we are behind the scenes, embryologists are still a large part of your IVF journey. Remember that each patient/partner combination is so different, but here are a few insights from an embryologist's perspective that every patient should know before they arrive at a fertility clinic.

Read: Embryo Freezing and Thawing: What You Need to Know

1. Every Embryo is Different

Every egg, sperm, and the resulting combination of the two are different. That makes every attempt at IVF using different gametes a different experience. When the average infertility patient comes into the clinic, they might imagine a grocery store where they open a container of a dozen eggs, and each one looks perfect or the same. This is not the case with human eggs.

From the embryologist’s eyes, each egg looks different, but we can’t see the DNA with a microscope to select the “good” eggs. Each egg is aspirated from a different follicle. Vaginal ultrasounds can predict or indicate how many follicles are growing and what the measuring sizes are each day when medications are delivered into the body at standardized doses.

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Understand that all the follicles vary in size during the process, and some can measure at 14mm while others might be 19mm. The follicular measurements can correlate to healthy follicular environments, chemical communication, and egg health in a way that we still do not fully understand.

There is a range of ideal follicular size, but that ideal is different for each human (just like body temperature). Not every egg is meant to make a baby, just like not every sperm will fertilize an egg. If you factor in the same variables, you can see that every embryo is very different.

Why some eggs do not fertilize, some embryos do not grow or turn into blastulae, why some don't freeze well or survive the thaw are just indicators that there is probably something flawed about them we don’t understand yet.

2. Embryologists Can't Repair Eggs

Women are born with all of the eggs they will have throughout their life. Embryologists will care and nurture your gametes but cannot repair or make an embryo better by culturing it in the laboratory. Eggs are made when the female is in utero, around 18-20 weeks gestation. Therefore, eggs are the same age as the woman’s biological age.

The notion that you could drink juice and make your eggs “better” is a falsehood. There is evidence that the follicular environment and the health of the gamete provider during the stimulation process can affect an outcome.

In addition, having a normal body mass index (BMI), not smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, and avoiding narcotics have proven beneficial to the success of IVF.

Read: From Eggs to Blastocyst: Understanding IVF Attrition

On the other hand, most men make sperm daily and, on average, are only 3 months old. Their daily health and choices can affect ejaculate 60 to 90 days later. Having your clinician tune-up you and your partner’s health a few months before your attempt might give you and your partner time to get your emotional, physical, and financial health to optimize your attempt.

Watch out for gimmicks on the internet or advice about how supplements or lifestyle changes can improve your fertility, and save those questions for your medical provider. We want what is best for you and do not want you to compromise your success because of some bad advice from an internet forum.

3. Everyone’s IVF Journey and Outcome Are Different

In this process, it is not uncommon to seek comfort and support by reaching out and comparing yourself to others. It can feel reassuring when a person’s story is similar to your own and ended with family expansion.

It is important to keep in mind that everyone's IVF journey and outcomes are different. Because of this, contrasting and comparing your experience to the experiences of others may not truly be as beneficial as it may seem on the surface. Undergoing IVF is emotional and painful. This is why I encourage patients to reach out to professionals, including fertility coaches or counselors, if they find the stress overwhelming or their relationship challenged. Ultimately, choosing someone you trust to confide in is the key.

There are many ways to start or expand a family. The decision to change paths can be affected by physical, emotional, financial, religious, and familial factors. The decision to change paths can be extremely challenging and can trigger a grief process.

Some examples of changes that might trigger emotional distress include moving on to donor eggs, sperm, or embryos, choosing adoption instead of having a biological child, or deciding to be a child-free couple or person.

Choices like these are decisions that are processed differently for every person. You and your partner may be affected or process these changes differently, but try to remember their path and place are just as valid as yours.

Read: 5 Emotions You May Experience Before Your First Donor Egg Cycle

4. There Are No Magic Numbers That Will Guarantee Success

As clinicians, we get many calls from patients upset that they did not have the same outcome as another patient or what they expected. This can stem from semen analysis results to the number of eggs retrieved during an IVF cycle or egg aspiration. You are you. Your clinician will give you indicators if your result is unexpected or clinically significant.

The internet and online forums are filled with reports on the number of eggs retrieved, embryos created, and embryo grading scores. Keep in mind that there are no magic numbers that indicate success. Embryo culture is a process designed for an embryologist to gather information about each embryo’s growth pattern and quality to effectively evaluate embryos for implantation potential.

We pick the best you have. There are no indicators that can guarantee 100% success. I have seen patients who have beautiful grade A embryos not get pregnant, and embryos that were grade C make beautiful twins.

Every clinic has a different system that's used grade embryos in their clinic. Asking the clinic to explain their grading system to you will help your personal understanding and allow you to speak the same technical language level. (Get started by reading An Intro to Embryo and Blastocyst Grading).

The embryo grading system was created to predict implantation potential and create a system to designate embryos in a group or cohort.

That being said, if you only produce grade C embryos and experience failure in your first attempt, that information might guide your clinician to suggest that your physical, emotional, or financial investment in another attempt may be better invested in donor gametes or an alternative path for family expansion.

Read: Assisted Hatching for IVF

5. Your Embryologist Wants The Best for You

There is no magic pill, juice, or protocol that we didn't tell you about. If we had something we thought would make the process successful, we would have told you in the beginning.

As we gather information about your journey and your partner’s responses, we may alter your clinical treatment, but we are always doing our best with the information we have.

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Embryologists are very collaborative scientists. We are unique in the fact that most of us share our trade secrets via publication and meetings. This field is growing and expanding, and we are developing new insights at a rapid pace.

I really enjoy working in a field where we share our successes and failures because we know that you, the patient, might benefit. We may be a bunch of “lab geeks,” but we are inspired to help build families, and that is why we choose to work in this field.

What happens in the IVF lab is technical and, in some ways, mysterious because there is no true recipe for success. Know that your IVF journey is unique. While it is always good to be informed, don't mistake contrasting and comparing your experience against the experiences of others as reliable information.

The goal of IVF is one healthy baby, and your embryologist is part of the team trying to make this happen.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

laboratuvar part time iş ilanları

yalova istanbul anadolu yakası istanbul avrupa yakası yari zamanli is ilanlari anadolu yakasi van bağcılar v c sınıfı iş güvenliği uzmanı iş güvenliği uzmanı şanlıurfa urfa isg uzmanı uşak trabzon da bakıcı ev temizlik temizlik sarıyer istanbul ümraniye civarı sağlık sefaköy sincan sultanbeyli sivas samsun sahibinden sakarya rehber öğretmen rize psikolog iş ilanı pendik psikolog bursa nilüfer nevşehir balıkesir merkez çağrı merkezi muğla merkez muğla mimar maltepe manisa malatya muhasebe manavgat mersin kariyer kartal keçiören kağıthane kırıkkale kastamonu kıbrıs kahramanmaraş kütahya kayseride kurtköy bayan kayseri kadıköy konya kayseri kocaeli işkur izmit istanbul anadolu istanbul avrupa izmir istanbul hatay antakya hastane hemşire gaziantep yarım zamanlı gaziemir yari zamanli is ilanlari garsonluk güvenlik gemlik gaziantep gebze fethiye estetisyen etimesgut yari zamanli is ilanlari engelli edirne e rzurum elazığ esenyurt eskişehir ankara'da diyarbakır'da yari zamanli düzce diyarbakır denizli cerkezkoy yari zamanli is ilanlari cekmekoy yari zamanli is ilanlari batman başakşehir bodrum banka bayrampaşa bağcılar bolu bakıcı balıkesir bursada bayan beylikdüzü bursa ankara iş ilanı anaokulu adana antalya ankara yarım zamanlı zeytinburnu iskur is ilanlari yari zamanli is ilanlari zonguldak ereğli zonguldak merkez zorlu center zonguldak kozlu zeytinburnu olivium zeytinburnu iş ilanı zonguldak iş ilanı zara iş ilanı zümrütevler zara ankara zara istanbul zeytinburnunda zonguldak 2018 zonguldak 2019 zara istanbul zeytinburnu zonguldak zeytinburnu kayseri yeni anadolu yakası istanbul anadolu yakası şöför avrupa yakası istanbul 17 yaş ankara yenimahalle 16 yaş anadolu yakası temizlik avrupa yakası sahibinden avrupa yakası anadolu yakası sahibinden izmir yeni asır anadolu yakası is ilanlari yeni yabancı dil yozgat yeni asır yenibiriş yenibosna yalova vasıfsız ankara vakıfbank vasıfsız istanbul avrupa yakası vialand 2018 vakko veteriner vasıfsız istanbul vodafone vale anadolu yakası vale istanbul avrupa yakası vanda işkur van konya vasıfsız iş ilanı ver vale vialand vasıfsız viaport ve maaşları van ankara ulus öğrenciye uygun ş.urfa güzellik uzmanı izmir urla uşak iş ilanı ups ulus ukraynada unicef uşak 2018 uşak 2019 urla uşak facebook urfa eleman uzmanı unisbul is ilanlari uskudar is ilanlari umraniye uşak turgutlu temizlik avrupa yakası istanbul avrupa yakası temizlik temizlik şişli ankara temizlik ümraniye temizlik iş ilanı trabzon taşdelen temizlik istanbul tokat tarsus temizlik torbalı telefon numaraları tuzla pendik tekirdağ taksim trabzon tuzla iş ilanı sahibinden spor sosyal medya iş ilanlari sahibinden soma sağlık söke sarıyer sultangazi sultanbeyli şirinevler silivri sancaktepe satış danışmanı sefaköy sivas secretcv sincan restaurant d r izmir teknik ressa m d r ankara adana real konya real d r istanbul rize merkez rize iş ilanı reklam rami resepsiyonist rehabilitasyon restaurant rossmann rizede d r rize ankara pursaklar popeyes pendikte pastane istanbul pelican pendik öğrenci istanbul anadolu yakası pendik paketleme piazza perlavista pendik sahibinden polatlı marmara park istanbul pendik perpa pendik pariyer bartın bayan eskişehir bayan sakarya bayan sivas bayan izmir bayan ankara bayan kayseri bayan 2018 kayseri bayan 2019 bursa bayan gaziantep bayan mersin bayan kayseri bayan adana bayan konya bayan elemanonline adana optimum ordu bayan osmaniye ordu antalya izmir niğde 2019 nizip novada niğde 2018 narlıdere part tıme temizlik eleman net nike neomarin nişantaşı niğde istanbul ankara nedir nazilli nevşehir balıkesir merkez temizlik maslak şişli mecidiyeköy iş ilanı mersin market milas migros marmaris muğla maslak maltepe mecidiyeköy mall o f istanbul mutfak manisa malatya mağaza lcw iş ilanı laleli laboratuvar lefke lefkoşada laborant lise lojistik lcw ankara lcw istanbul istanbul lise öğrenci temizlik levent ankara lise öğrenci linkedin lüleburgaz lefkoşa levent lise öğrencisi lc waikiki lescard kozyatağı kayışdağı kavacık küçükçekmece kağıthane kartal kastamonu kurtköy karabük kahramanmaraş kuşadası kurye kariyer kocaeli izmit kocaeli gebze anadolu jet mavi jeans jooble istanbul öğrenci izmir buca istanbul maltepe inegöl istanbul beylikdüzü istanbul bahçelievler iskenderun izmir öğrenci istanbul anadolu yakası öğrenci indeed işin olsun ingilizce istanbul avrupa yakası öğrenci host hepsiburada huzurevi hemşire istanbul anadolu hastane istanbul hm hostes havalimanı hilltown historia hemşire izmir hendek ankara hemşire ankara hafta sonu ankara hürriyet hemşire halkalı hafta sonu hatay iş ilanı gebze iş ilanı gaziantep gazete gratis garsonluk gop gaziemir göktürk is ilanlari golcuk gemlik güvenlik güneşli gece güngören gaziosmanpaşa gazıosmanpasada sahıbınden giresun gaziantep garson samsun facebook antalya facebook gaziantep facebook mersin facebook eskişehir facebook bolu facebook diyarbakır facebook izmit facebook kayseri facebook izmir facebook denizli facebook konya facebook ankara facebook finans fuar forum istanbul fethiye fatih facebook konya erkek iş ilanı eskişehir ekşi sözlük eleman emaar etimesgut erzincan eminönü edremit erkek esenyurt esenler eyüp elazığ eskişehir edirne erzurum diyarbakır 2019 denizli 2019 denizli garson denizli 2018 oyun ablası denizli öğrenci denizli istanbul deneyimsiz iş ilanı denizli iş ilanı diyarbakır dudullu didim darıca defacto diyarbakır düzce cafe izmir cepa colins corluda capacity carrefour cafe istanbul canpark ceyhan capitol cevahir konya cafe ankara cafe cigli is is ilanlari corum is ilanlari cekmekoy cafe cennet mahallesi cumartesi pazar beylikd� �zü sahibinden bayrampaşa büyükçekmece bahçeşehir beykoz beyoğlu buca bahçelievler bakırköy bagcılar başakşehir bostancı balıkesir bolu bodrum beşiktaş antalya sahibinden ankara çankaya alanya ankara kızılay avcılar aydın afyon anadolu ankara keçiören ankara öğrenci ankara sahibinden is ilanları sincan ve çevresi us polo 3. havalimanı d r istanbul anadolu yakası maltepe izmir karşıyaka istanbul avrupa yakası sahibinden h m k maraş bayan k maraş elbistan k.maraş 2020 k.çekmece k.maraş 2018 k.maraş 2019 k.maraş e ticaret e bebek d.bakır b ehliyetli. Aynı zamanda laboratuvar part time iş ilanları ile ilgili içerikler de sitemizde görüntülenebilir. Sitemize gitmek için aşağıdaki linki kullanabilirsiniz. ZmfRKqC3A0
part time iş ilanları

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

yarı zamanlı iş ilanları istanbul

yalova istanbul anadolu yakası istanbul avrupa yakası yari zamanli is ilanlari anadolu yakasi van bağcılar v c sınıfı iş güvenliği uzmanı iş güvenliği uzmanı şanlıurfa urfa isg uzmanı uşak trabzon da bakıcı ev temizlik temizlik sarıyer istanbul ümraniye civarı sağlık sefaköy sincan sultanbeyli sivas samsun sahibinden sakarya rehber öğretmen rize psikolog iş ilanı pendik psikolog bursa nilüfer nevşehir balıkesir merkez çağrı merkezi muğla merkez muğla mimar maltepe manisa malatya muhasebe manavgat mersin kariyer kartal keçiören kağıthane kırıkkale kastamonu kıbrıs kahramanmaraş kütahya kayseride kurtköy bayan kayseri kadıköy konya kayseri kocaeli işkur izmit istanbul anadolu istanbul avrupa izmir istanbul hatay antakya hastane hemşire gaziantep yarım zamanlı gaziemir yari zamanli is ilanlari garsonluk güvenlik gemlik gaziantep gebze fethiye estetisyen etimesgut yari zamanli is ilanlari engelli edirne e rzurum elazığ esenyurt eskişehir ankara'da diyarbakır'da yari zamanli düzce diyarbakır denizli cerkezkoy yari zamanli is ilanlari cekmekoy yari zamanli is ilanlari batman başakşehir bodrum banka bayrampaşa bağcılar bolu bakıcı balıkesir bursada bayan beylikdüzü bursa ankara iş ilanı anaokulu adana antalya ankara yarım zamanlı zeytinburnu iskur is ilanlari yari zamanli is ilanlari zonguldak ereğli zonguldak merkez zorlu center zonguldak kozlu zeytinburnu olivium zeytinburnu iş ilanı zonguldak iş ilanı zara iş ilanı zümrütevler zara ankara zara istanbul zeytinburnunda zonguldak 2018 zonguldak 2019 zara istanbul zeytinburnu zonguldak zeytinburnu kayseri yeni anadolu yakası istanbul anadolu yakası şöför avrupa yakası istanbul 17 yaş ankara yenimahalle 16 yaş anadolu yakası temizlik avrupa yakası sahibinden avrupa yakası anadolu yakası sahibinden izmir yeni asır anadolu yakası is ilanlari yeni yabancı dil yozgat yeni asır yenibiriş yenibosna yalova vasıfsız ankara vakıfbank vasıfsız istanbul avrupa yakası vialand 2018 vakko veteriner vasıfsız istanbul vodafone vale anadolu yakası vale istanbul avrupa yakası vanda işkur van konya vasıfsız iş ilanı ver vale vialand vasıfsız viaport ve maaşları van ankara ulus öğrenciye uygun ş.urfa güzellik uzmanı izmir urla uşak iş ilanı ups ulus ukraynada unicef uşak 2018 uşak 2019 urla uşak facebook urfa eleman uzmanı unisbul is ilanlari uskudar is ilanlari umraniye uşak turgutlu temizlik avrupa yakası istanbul avrupa yakası temizlik temizlik şişli ankara temizlik ümraniye temizlik iş ilanı trabzon taşdelen temizlik istanbul tokat tarsus temizlik torbalı telefon numaraları tuzla pendik tekirdağ taksim trabzon tuzla iş ilanı sahibinden spor sosyal medya iş ilanlari sahibinden soma sağlık söke sarıyer sultangazi sultanbeyli şirinevler silivri sancaktepe satış danışmanı sefaköy sivas secretcv sincan restaurant d r izmir teknik ressa m d r ankara adana real konya real d r istanbul rize merkez rize iş ilanı reklam rami resepsiyonist rehabilitasyon restaurant rossmann rizede d r rize ankara pursaklar popeyes pendikte pastane istanbul pelican pendik öğrenci istanbul anadolu yakası pendik paketleme piazza perlavista pendik sahibinden polatlı marmara park istanbul pendik perpa pendik pariyer bartın bayan eskişehir bayan sakarya bayan sivas bayan izmir bayan ankara bayan kayseri bayan 2018 kayseri bayan 2019 bursa bayan gaziantep bayan mersin bayan kayseri bayan adana bayan konya bayan elemanonline adana optimum ordu bayan osmaniye ordu antalya izmir niğde 2019 nizip novada niğde 2018 narlıdere part tıme temizlik eleman net nike neomarin nişantaşı niğde istanbul ankara nedir nazilli nevşehir balıkesir merkez temizlik maslak şişli mecidiyeköy iş ilanı mersin market milas migros marmaris muğla maslak maltepe mecidiyeköy mall o f istanbul mutfak manisa malatya mağaza lcw iş ilanı laleli laboratuvar lefke lefkoşada laborant lise lojistik lcw ankara lcw istanbul istanbul lise öğrenci temizlik levent ankara lise öğrenci linkedin lüleburgaz lefkoşa levent lise öğrencisi lc waikiki lescard kozyatağı kayışdağı kavacık küçükçekmece kağıthane kartal kastamonu kurtköy karabük kahramanmaraş kuşadası kurye kariyer kocaeli izmit kocaeli gebze anadolu jet mavi jeans jooble istanbul öğrenci izmir buca istanbul maltepe inegöl istanbul beylikdüzü istanbul bahçelievler iskenderun izmir öğrenci istanbul anadolu yakası öğrenci indeed işin olsun ingilizce istanbul avrupa yakası öğrenci host hepsiburada huzurevi hemşire istanbul anadolu hastane istanbul hm hostes havalimanı hilltown historia hemşire izmir hendek ankara hemşire ankara hafta sonu ankara hürriyet hemşire halkalı hafta sonu hatay iş ilanı gebze iş ilanı gaziantep gazete gratis garsonluk gop gaziemir göktürk is ilanlari golcuk gemlik güvenlik güneşli gece güngören gaziosmanpaşa gazıosmanpasada sahıbınden giresun gaziantep garson samsun facebook antalya facebook gaziantep facebook mersin facebook eskişehir facebook bolu facebook diyarbakır facebook izmit facebook kayseri facebook izmir facebook denizli facebook konya facebook ankara facebook finans fuar forum istanbul fethiye fatih facebook konya erkek iş ilanı eskişehir ekşi sözlük eleman emaar etimesgut erzincan eminönü edremit erkek esenyurt esenler eyüp elazığ eskişehir edirne erzurum diyarbakır 2019 denizli 2019 denizli garson denizli 2018 oyun ablası denizli öğrenci denizli istanbul deneyimsiz iş ilanı denizli iş ilanı diyarbakır dudullu didim darıca defacto diyarbakır düzce cafe izmir cepa colins corluda capacity carrefour cafe istanbul canpark ceyhan capitol cevahir konya cafe ankara cafe cigli is is ilanlari corum is ilanlari cekmekoy cafe cennet mahallesi cumartesi pazar beylikd� �zü sahibinden bayrampaşa büyükçekmece bahçeşehir beykoz beyoğlu buca bahçelievler bakırköy bagcılar başakşehir bostancı balıkesir bolu bodrum beşiktaş antalya sahibinden ankara çankaya alanya ankara kızılay avcılar aydın afyon anadolu ankara keçiören ankara öğrenci ankara sahibinden is ilanları sincan ve çevresi us polo 3. havalimanı d r istanbul anadolu yakası maltepe izmir karşıyaka istanbul avrupa yakası sahibinden h m k maraş bayan k maraş elbistan k.maraş 2020 k.çekmece k.maraş 2018 k.maraş 2019 k.maraş e ticaret e bebek d.bakır b ehliyetli. Aynı zamanda yarı zamanlı iş ilanları istanbul ile ilgili içerikler de sitemizde görüntülenebilir. Sitemize gitmek için aşağıdaki linki kullanabilirsiniz. ZmfRKqC3A0
part time iş ilanları